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Peak shaving

Using battery storage systems is an efficient way for electrical peak shaving, as they allow excess electricity to be stored during times of low demand and used during times of high demand. This can help to reduce the maximum demand for electricity, the ”peak,” and smooth out the overall demand for electricity on the grid.

To implement electrical peak shaving using battery storage systems, a company can charge the battery during times of low demand and discharge it during times of high demand. This can help to reduce the overall cost of electricity for the company, as well as help to stabilize the electricity grid by providing a reliable source of electricity during times of high demand.

There are a few key considerations when it comes to using battery storage systems for electrical peak shaving. Firstly, the size of the battery storage system must be carefully chosen to match the peak electricity demand, as it will determine how much electricity can be stored and for how long.

Finally, the cost for grid connection must be carefully monitored to ensure that the peak shaving is profitable.